Back to School

For a long time, we've explained how going to school is about more than being able to read and write, with numerous long-term benefits that transform a child's future:

🏫 Schools provide a safe haven for children at risk of abuse or exploitation on the streets.
🙂 School teaches children how to build relationships with adults and peers.
🪥 Schools teach life skills, including personal hygiene and children’s rights.
💡 School aids the development of capacities such as concentration and memory.
💃🏿 School encourages creativity through play.

As children in the UK return to school, we were pleased to see this article on BBC News outlining even more things children learn at school.

So many of the programmes we support help children go to school consistently and enable them to learn better when they are there. The skills they acquire combine to give a child self-confidence and better opportunities to compete for jobs in adulthood. These skills empower them to make decisions for the benefit of their families and direct communities.

To help even more children learn these valuable lifeskills, please consider making a donation to our work. Thank you in advance for your support.