African Children's Fund

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International Women's Day 2023

In the past, we have spoken a lot about the incredible impact of the Education All Month, Every Month programme that runs in both Kenya and Tanzania. Not only does the programme provide girls in participating schools with sanitary towels, underwear and soap, but it also offers social education forums teaching girls how to use their new sanitary products, busting common myths and providing important information about sexual health and menstrual hygiene management.

In 2022, the programme reached almost 1,400 girls and for the first time, Schoolgirl Essentials in Tanzania introduced boys to elements of the social education forums to break down barriers for future generations and to help them understand how they can support their sisters, classmates and - in years to come - daughters while menstruating.

For International Women’s Day this year, we hear from two teachers in Tanzania who are exceptionally proud of their schools’ participation within the Education All Month, Every Month programme. They have shared their thoughts in their local language of Kiswahili so we’re providing summary transcripts below.

1) Jaleth Mollel, Headteacher at Patandi Maalum secondary school:

Click here to view the Kiswahili video in YouTube.

"My name is Janeth Mollel, Headteacher at Patandi Maalum Secondary School. Patandi Maalum is a co-educational secondary school catering to students both with disabilities and without students.

Schoolgirl Essentials has provided menstrual health and hygiene education forums to our girl students, as well as reusable sanitary pads to enable them to attend school during their menses.

Through this initiative, the girls are able to confidently participate in all the school activities including sports.

Additionally, the education forums provided have brought an awareness and understanding to the girls about their position in society as a woman in the future.

Education All Month, Every Month!

2) Frida Hamza Mgala, Assistant Head at Likamba Secondary School

Click here to view the Kiswahili video in YouTube.

"My name is Frida Hamza Mgala, Assistant Head at Likamba Secondary School.

We thank you for introducing the Menstrual Hygiene Management programme to at our school because it is a very important programme, especially to girl students.

This programme has enabled the girls to attend school regularly because of the sanitary pads provided to them, also they can now maintain their personal hygiene during their periods.

Through Schoolgirl Essentials, the girls are also aware of their monthly cycles and how to mitigate against unplanned pregnancies. The girls are also now aware of how to manage period pain.

The programme has equipped the girls with self confidence and they are now aware of their ability and contribution to their society as young women and that not even their menstrual period can stop them from reaching their full potential."

A donation of £9.50 would enable a Tanzanian girl to receive a dignity pack (consisting of sanitary towels, underwear and soap) and attend social education forums at school to equip her with self confidence for the future. If you can help us support this programme, you too would be helping these girls reach their full potential! Thank you in advance.